Last minute looking for a stylish handbag but don’t really know what to buy? Just keep this in mind: while the new It bags may no longer be sure successes, classic styles remain popular on resale platforms. Sevens Shoes and Bags in Ghent has it all for you.

Since we discovered Sevens in Ghent, two years ago, the shop has become one of our favourite addresses. Not only for the great selection of bags and shoes but also for the friendly and service minded staff.
Apart from bags, wallets, belts and other accessories from brands as Bottega Veneta, Chloé, Fendi, Gucci, … you find a wide selection of shoes from the British brand Church’s, Gianvita Rossi and A.F. Vandevorst. Keep in mind to go early if you want to make a good deal during winter sale.
Sevens Bags & Shoes, Henegouwenstraat 38, 9000 Ghent, Belgium, tel. 09 225 97 82,,